Summer 2024 Schedule for Chem 260

Here are some short videos to remind you about
1) balancing the equation and stoichiometric ratios
2) the reagents table and limiting reagent
3) calculating % yield

Back to the home page of the lab web site

Experiment (E), Report Form and Marking Guide Tutorial (T) Assessment Learning Tools


Safety notes
Course notes
Reagents Table in Excel
Appendix to the manual and the yellow pages

  All homework reports are due at the start of the next E class. In-lab assignments are due at the end of the class in which they have been given.

Lab technique tips
Intro to drawing programs
Periodic Table
Molecular weight calculator 


E0 Introduction and luminescent lanthanides.

Report form for E0

T0 Admin & general concepts of spectroscopy.
Answers to practice problems

T0 In-class workbook


Video on balancing the equation and stoichiometric ratios
Video on the reagents table and limiting reagent
Video on calculating % yield

Reference 1
Reference 2

E1 Chemically active extraction

Report template for E1

T1 1H NMR spectroscopy
Answers to practice problems
E1 pre-lab is on Brightspace
E1Structured report
T1 In-class workbook

Video on thin layer chromatography
Video on liquid-liquid extraction
Video on using the rotary evaporator


E2 The oxidation states of cobalt

Report template for E2

T2 IR interpretation of infrared spectra
Answers to practice problems

E2 Structured report
T2 In-class workbook

Video on balancing the equation and stoichiometric ratios
Video on the reagents table and limiting reagent
Video on calculating % yield
Video on bonding & magnetism
Guidelines on balancing redox equations
Standard reduction potentials for common half-reactions


E3 Synthesis and chemistry of alkenes

Report template for E3

T3 1H NMR of alkenes and mixtures
Answers to practice problems

E3 pre-lab is on Brightspace
E3 Structured report
T3 In-class workbook

Video on setting up a distillation
Review of tlc
Video on using the ATR-IR spectrometer
Video on IR instrumentation

E4 Titanium

Report template for E4


T4 Titanium structural analysis

E4 + T4 Structured report and in-lab assignments

Titanium in solution
Transition metals, magnetism and colour
Viewing crystal structures
Point group determination

Reference 1; Reference 2
Reference 3; Reference 4

E5 Separation of a reaction mixture

Report template for E5

T5 13C and DEPT-135 NMR
Answers to practice problems
E5 pre-lab is on Brightspace
E5 Structured report
T5 In-class workbook
Video on column chromatography
Review of tlc

Review of rotovaps
Review of ATR-IR

E6 Copper carboxylates

Report template for E6


T6 Copper carboxylates IR analysis

Copy of handout data table given in class (T6)

IR spectra of free carboxylic acids (handout in class)
E6 + T6 Structured report  

Reference 1; Reference 2

Copper in Canada
IR spectra of free carboxylic acids (handout in class)

E7 Selective reduction

Report template for E7

T7 Analyses of reduction products

E7 pre-lab is on Brightspace
E7&T7 Structured report

Video on NMR instrumentation

Video on NMR sample prep
Review liquid-liquid extraction
Review of rotovaps
Review of ATR-IR
Video on melting ranges

E8 Vanadium tartrate complexes

Report form for E8

T8 Processing NMR spectra

E8 Report form
T8 In-class workbook

Video on inorganic optical isomers
Transition metals, magnetism and colour

Reference 1

E10 Tin(II) or tin(IV)?

Report template for E10


T10 Mass spectrometry
Answers to practice problems
E10 structured report
T10 In-class workbook
Video of how a mass spectrometer works  

E11 The Aldol reaction

Report template for E11

T9 Multinuclear and spin dilute systems in NMR.
Answers to practice problems
E11 Structured report due at end of class Review of ATR-IR
Review melting ranges

E13 Green chemistry considerations for an amide coupling reaction.

Report template for E13


E13 interpretation continued     Reference 1; Reference 2; Reference 3

Here is the template of a summary of your techniques experienced in Chem 260 this term. You may find it useful to complete now, so that you have a record to show a prospective employer or to add to a portfolio. Past terms have been archived here.